See below for basic instructions on setting up an Account and Registering for Spring League
Information below on ... What to Pay. How to Pay. When to Pay.
Rules around payments & refunds
We are excited to offer the partnership with Gorge Soccer and access to their PowerUp registration system. This should make everyone's lives a bit easier as it is the Registration System used by almost all of the youth clubs in Lower Island
This new system will provide you with some of the following benefits:
fees can be i) pay full fee, ii) partial/instalment payment and iii) "PAY OFFLINE" a User Account and then you can purchase "products" (e.g.2022 Spring League) by placing them into your shopping basket and pay for them as per usual methods. So the process is …
Set Up your Personal Account
Register the rest of your family
Register for the Programs (products) that you want to purchase
Checkout ---
*** If you are looking at Financial Support (e.g. KidSport or JumpStart) then note this and select “Pay Offline”
A reminder of costs...
Payment option you will be faced with are:
1) Pay all at once
2) Pay via two Instalments - which you will be asked to pay 50% up-front and the other payments will be 30 days later.
*** If other payment options are required, please contact Gorge Registrar (
1) Online via PowerUp's secure credit card payment for partial (instalments) or full amount
2) E-transfer -- transfer money to
3) In-Person at Gorge Office
4) Mail - mail cheques to the club PO Box
Gorge Soccer Association
PO Box 44207 Gorge Plaza
Victoria . B.C.
V9A 7K1
Registration System Link =
Link to Help Guide on the Registration Website
Email the Registrar at
In Progress